Saturday, January 16, 2016

The War Gift - part 8

“Petling, wake up.” 
The deep voice stirred Cailan to wakefulness.  He blinked in the semi-darkness of the room and saw Jarek sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.  He was fully dressed.  Cailan began to sit up, but a hand on his chest gently pushed, urging him to stay down and under the blankets. 
“Don’t get up, little love.  It is early yet.”
“Why are you up?” the young man asked sleepily.
Jarek smiled ruefully.  “Duty calls,” he stated.  “Alaric wishes me to share the morning meal with him, and afterwards I am to entertain the palace’s visitor.”
“Why you?” Cailan asked, admittedly whining a bit but through his sleepiness not really caring.
“Because I must,” Jarek said. 
It was the vague type of answer Cailan hated, and his frown seemed to remind the bigger man of that fact.  Jarek sighed slightly.
“This particular visitor is specifically my responsibility,” he tried to explain more thoroughly.  “It is necessary for me to spend time with him and his companions, even if I’d rather be here with you.”
“Perhaps I can come with you,” Cailan suggested, again making a move to sit up.  However, the hand on his chest still restrained him.
“No, I’m sorry that you can’t, but it would not be appropriate to have you there.  Besides,” he leaned down and gently kissed Cailan’s lips, “you would be quite the distraction to me, my beautiful one.”
Cailan accepted the kiss willingly, but he sighed, the sound betraying his despondency.
“Why such a sad sound?” Jarek questioned.
Cailan answered truthfully.  “It is boring and lonely by myself.  My task and studies help, but I feel confined, and it is depressing to have no one around.”
“And I have not released you from the prison of my rooms,” Jarek added in understanding.  Cailan didn’t deny or acknowledge that statement because it was very true.  “I appreciate your obedience in staying where I ask you.  Truthfully, I had not thought ahead on how confining it would feel, and I know I have yet to truly show you your way around the palace and its grounds.  I will try to do better by you.”
“I know,” Cailan replied.  “When will you be back?”
Jarek tenderly ran a hand across Cailan’s head.  “I’m not certain.  I would hope to share the mid-day meal with you, but if I cannot, I will send word.”
It was not what Cailan wanted to hear, but he doubted there was anything he could do to change the situation.  Jarek leaned down and kissed him once more.
“Try to go back to sleep, petling.  I will see you later.”
When he was gone, Cailan closed his eyes, but it was no more than five minutes before he knew he’d not get back to sleep.  The bed felt too big and the room too empty.  He arose, dressed, and wandered aimlessly for several minutes.  It was too soon for the breakfast to be delivered, and it felt too early to pursue his studies or organizing Jarek’s library despite his enjoyment of both activities. 
Eventually he decided to find a book to read and chose a novel at random.  He took it back to the bedroom and settled in a seat by the window where he could see the sun just starting to rise over the land. 
Thankfully, he’d chosen an interesting book, and he read for an hour past sunrise before his stomach rumbled and he decided to check and see if breakfast had been delivered.  It had, but despite the well-made food, Cailan didn’t enjoy eating alone, even if it did provide the opportunity to feed himself. 
His morning was spent getting a good bit of organizing done on the books—without going up the ladder—and he finished studying the history text he’d been given.  It had been interesting, but it raised more questions that he ended up adding in his journaler to ask Jarek.
When high noon came around, there was no sign of Jarek returning, but there was a knock on the parlor door that Cailan hadn’t been expecting.  When he opened the door, he found a familiar looking guard on the other side.
“Jothan?” he asked, not sure if he had the name right.
The man smiled pleasantly.  “You remember me, your highness.  My mother always said that either meant I made a good impression or a bad one.”
Cailan couldn’t help smiling in return.  The man had been pleasant when he’d first met him a couple days earlier, and Cailan remembered him being Lady Bara’s son.
“It was a good impression, I promise,” Cailan assured.  “Is there something I can help you with?”
“I’m actually here for you,” Jothan replied.  He waved to a wheeled tray holding several covered dishes.  “I’ve brought your meal.  Leader Jarek sends word that he is unable to leave his guests, and he said if you’d like some company to dine with you, that I am to stay in his stead.”
Cailan welcomed the man in.  “I would greatly appreciate some company.  Please join me.”
Jothan brought the wheeled contraption inside and headed for the room’s table.  For the first time Cailan watched two places set up, and soon Jothan pulled out a chair for him.  Cailan appreciated the gesture, and sat gracefully before the guard sat down across from him.
“I admit, while those of us who work in the palace are fed well, this meal looks quite exceptional,” Jothan noted before taking a bite of roasted pork.  He nodded.  “It tastes exceptional too.”
Cailan, who was used to this level of culinary craft, realized such a meal probably was a treat for anyone outside of nobility.  He took a bite as well, mentally agreeing that the food was quite good.
“I’m glad you could join me,” he said honestly.  “Jar…” he corrected himself quickly as he remembered that the palace staff would be formal in how they addressed the royal family.  “Leader Jarek spoke to me a bit of your family when your mother measured me for attire.”
“My family is indebted to him and the king,” Jothan said with sincere appreciation.  “My sister and I would not be alive today without their generosity.”
“They both seem to be good men overall, although I am basing that on less than a week’s acquaintance.”
“Based on a lifetime’s experience, I still say they are good men,” Jothan spoke loyally.  “And Leader Jarek has clearly taken a shine to you.”
Cailan swallowed the bite of food in his mouth, curious as to how a guard or other palace servants were perceiving things between him and Jarek, and he wasn’t surprised to discover he was the focus of palace gossip.  It had been a common enough thing among his own servants in Arten.  “Why do you say that?” he asked.
Jothan looked mildly uncomfortable.  “It’s just an observation.  Other concubines have never spent more than a night, maybe two, with any of the royal family in my knowledge.  Afterwards they are given a room in the harem.”
“I see,” Cailan commented.  “Are there many other concubines?”
“Twenty or so,” Jothan answered nonchalantly.  “Most came through alliances made, or as compensation for times when the king has helped a struggling country or defended a people group being abused.”
Cailan, growing uncomfortable with the topic, particularly as to how it might apply to him, chose to change the subject.
“Are you married, Jothan?”
“Pledged,” the man replied as he continued to dig into the meal.  “My lady assists one of the candle makers in palace city.  We hope to marry next spring.”
“Congratulations,” Cailan offered.
“Thank you.  Perhaps you’ll meet her one day.  She occasionally delivers to the palace.”
“I suppose I might, but at the moment my lord seems to wish me to remain in these rooms.”
“I heard you trained with one of the companies two days ago though.  You made quite an impression from what has been said…fastest feet they ever saw.”
It was pleasing to hear of that kind of gossip being spread.  Cailan grinned sheepishly.  “My ability has always been speed.  I would hope to train with them again, if just to stay fit.  Are the palace guards trained as the soldiers?”
“Yes.  We all spend a year in training just as the career soldiers do at their start.  After that there is another year of specialized training as a Cylandrean city guard.  Those who wish to work in the palace must serve as a city guard for at least three years and have an exemplary record before they may be considered as a palace guard.  If that happens, we shadow a senior guard for months to learn what is necessary, and then are gradually assigned duty stations and jobs.”
“How long have you been a palace guard?”
“Nearly five years,” Jothan said humbly.  “It has been good for me and to me.”
“I’m glad the king and his family have you.  You seem a valuable and loyal person to stand guard over them.”
“Thank you, your highness.  That is high praise.  I would hope to continue to meet with your approval.”
“Well, I definitely approve of having you to share a meal with.  Must you leave once we’re done?”
“Leader Jarek said I may stay an hour if he has not returned.”
“In that case, if we’re both about done, please stay and visit.”
Jothan agreed readily and Cailan appreciated the hour of learning about the guard’s family, hearing aspects of the job Jothan could share, and wishing he could see some of the places in the palace city that the man recommended.
He was tempted to ask the man some of the questions he had written down, but knew immediately it was best to address those with Jarek.  He didn’t want to put Jothan in an awkward position of having to refuse to answer anything, nor did he want Jarek’s anger directed at him for overstepping any bounds.  He was still highly aware of the fading stripes on his backside, and he didn’t want more anytime soon.
Jothan left after precisely an hour, promising to visit again if Leader Jarek allowed it.  Cailan thought to return to organizing the library, but fifteen minutes after Jothan left, Jarek returned to his rooms.  Both of them were pleased to see each other, and Jarek pulled him into a hug in greeting.
“Hello, petling.  I’ve missed you this day.”
Cailan found he willingly leaned into the bigger man.  “I missed you too,” he admitted.  “But I thank you for sending Jothan to me.  The company was welcome.”
“I thought it might be, and he’s a good man; one of the most trustworthy in the palace.”
“I’m glad.  I liked him, but I’m glad you’re back.  How was your morning?”
“It was…trying,” he admitted.  “Alaric and I have quite a bit to discuss, but…” he added quickly when Cailan’s face fell, “I told him that my afternoon is yours.”  He tucked a strand of hair behind Cailan’s ear.  “I want to be with you, and it is not fair to keep putting off the questions you have, so if you’d like to discuss them today, we will.”
“I would like to,” Cailan admitted.  “I confess I was tempted to ask Jothan some of them.”
Jarek frowned.  “Did you?”
“No,” Cailan said immediately as he noted Jarek’s look.  “I didn’t think you’d approve.”
“I would not have,” the big man said immediately.  “And I would have spanked you hard for going behind my back.”
Cailan felt the alarm in his body at that statement.  “I told you I didn’t!”
Jarek lightly patted his backside.  “I know.  Thank you.  I’m just warning you for future reference.”
“Sounds more like a threat,” Cailan mumbled.  “Can we just talk about my questions?”
“Let’s get comfortable and we will.”
With an arm around him, Jarek led Cailan to one of the couches the sun shone in on.  Cailan collected his journaler as they passed by the desk, and once they were settled on the divan opened the book to the first page of questions.
“They start here,” he said, “but there are more here, and here, and here.”  He showed his owner each written page, and then noted Jarek’s look of astonishment.  “What?”
“I just didn’t realize you had quite so many questions, petling.  I should warn you that I don’t think we can cover them all in one sitting.  Would you mind just taking a few at a time?”
“I guess,” Cailan agreed. 
“Thank you.  Where would you like to start?”
“Well, I think I should tell you something first,” Cailan admitted.  “Some of the questions may not make sense if I don’t.”
“Ok,” Jarek agreed, although his voice was suspicious.  “It sounds like you’re about to confess something to me.”
“I kind of am,” Cailan admitted.  “Yesterday morning, when you were gone, I overheard part of a conversation a couple of the servants were having.  They weren’t aware of my presence, and I heard some mention of your younger brother and sister, as well as the fact that Queen Kesla’s health is a concern and that there is apprehension over some events going on.  I don’t know what those events are, but I assume they might be why you returned so stressed last night.”
“I see,” Jarek replied almost carefully.  He tapped his fingers together as and seemed to be thinking hard.  “So some of your questions are in direct relation to what you heard?”
Cailan nodded.  “Yes, some are.”
“You do recall that I said I will answer what I can, as thoroughly as I can, but that there might be some questions you have at this time that I cannot answer at all?”
“Yes, I remember,” Cailan acknowledged.
“Good, what is first on your mind then?”
That was a hard choice to make.  Cailan had so many questions.  “I guess, I might like to ask one of the last ones I wrote down.”  He flipped to the fourth page and pointed to one of the lines.  “I’d like to know if and when it is ever possible, will you fully explain your secrets to me?”
Jarek slipped an arm around his waist and pressed him to his side.  “Petling, I would like to do that possibly more than you even want me to.  So the answer is yes.  Someday, when it is appropriate and safe and it doesn’t mean me breaking a promise, I will fully divulge what I must keep from you for now.”
That settled some anxiety in Cailan’s spirit.  “Thank you,” he said sincerely and flipped through his pages.  “It’s hard to know which question to start with.”
“Don’t overthink it.  We’ll get to them all eventually.  Here, stop flipping and just point to a question and we’ll start there.”
Cailan didn’t have any better ideas, so he did as Jarek suggested and let his finger fall to the middle of the second page.  “Why did you call me a companion instead of a concubine to Senior Charon?” he read aloud.
“Ah, yes.  That was purposeful,” Jarek admitted.  “Charon has served the royal family for longer than Alaric has been king.  In fact, I believe he was brought on as a footman initially the year before my father and brother began their co-reign.  He’s a hard worker and very disciplined in his duties as head steward.  The other servants don’t always like him very much, but he’s fair even if he does come across harshly at times.  I referred to you as my companion because Charon has a very black and white viewpoint of servants and masters.  There is no crossover for him and he struggles at times with the familiarity my family and I will occasionally show to our service staff.  He is aware that you are my concubine, but I referenced you as my companion because I wanted him to know he is to treat you with the same respect he treats me, and that you are not to be looked down upon or ordered about.”
“Does he treat the other concubines poorly?” Cailan wondered.
“He does not mistreat them,” Jarek assured.  “In fact, they are mostly cared for by the lower staff, so his interaction with them is infrequent.  It is more that he sees them as beneath him, and I will not allow him to think of you in that way.”
“Why?” Cailan needed to know.  “You can call me ‘special’ and a ‘gift’, whatever those things actually mean, but I am a concubine.”
He couldn’t help just a touch of resentment in that admission, however true it was.
Jarek kissed his cheek tenderly.  “You are,” the older man admitted.  “But you are also a blood-born prince, a warrior, a man of honor, and precious to me.  You will not be treated below your station, and Charon knows now that I consider you over him as my companion, not under him as a lower servant.  I trust you will not take advantage of that?”
“I will try not to,” Cailan assured, “but I am not sure quite how to be with Charon at this point.”
“He is there to serve your needs just as mine, and he knows that.  Treat him with the respectful authority I give you when you interact with him.  He will not care for it much, I know, but he will not overstep his bounds.  If any problem does arise, refer to me.”
Cailan nodded as he thought that over.  “I am wondering about the other concubines,” he said after a moment.  “Jothan and I discussed them briefly.  He says there are at least twenty.”
“Twenty-four,” Jarek confirmed.
Jothan said they are mostly alliance or compensation offerings to the royal house.”
“That is true.”
“Have you…been with them all?”
Jarek shook his head and rubbed Cailan’s side where his hand rested.  “No, most concubines are given to either the king specifically or to the royal house as a whole.  Those given to Alaric are to share only his bed initially, but since he married Queen Kesla he does not visit the harem or have them come to him.  It is common knowledge that he is faithful to her, so if a concubine is offered, he or she is given to the family.”
“And you’ve been with those,” Cailan maintained.
“Some,” Jarek confirmed.  “It is dishonorable to not fully accept such a gift.  Someone within the royal family is expected to spend the night with them at least once.  It has always been either myself, Alaric, or Sem my youngest brother.”
“Never Princess Sana?”  Jarek raised a surprised brow and Cailan explained.  “That was something I overheard from the maids—your brother and sister’s names, Prince Sem and Princess Sana.  I also heard that your sister has some hearing struggles.”
Jarek nodded once and answered Cailan’s question.  “For her safety, neither Alaric nor I allow her private interaction with the concubines; and truly she has said she does not wish to share a bed with them.”
“What about you and Prince Sem?  Do you share a bed with them because you wish to, or because it is to keep the honor?”
“Both,” Jarek answered honestly.  “Pleasure with a beautiful individual is hard to resist.”  He stroked what he could reach of Cailan’s thigh almost to prove his words.  “But maintaining honor and good relations with those peoples and kingdoms who have given us such an offering is important.  But, I have never spent more than one night with any of them.”
“Why?  What becomes of them after that night?”
“I have not spent more than a night because I do not wish to.  I prefer to have lovers, not just a warm body for my bed.  Before you ask, there have been five individuals whom I have had relationships with.  I believe I had a good rapport with each of them, but it was necessary to end each one.  The reasons why I cannot share with you though.
“As far as the palace concubines, they are all well cared for.  There is a section in the western wing of the palace set aside for members of the harem.  They are each given their own space, a small but nicely furnished room, that is theirs alone; but there is a common eating and gathering area they all share, as well as a secluded courtyard and garden they have free access to.”
“But they never spend another night in someone’s bed?”
“Not exactly.  My little brother visits the harem semi-regularly, and sometimes they are participants at certain royal functions.”
Cailan’s eyes squinted in curiosity.  “What does that mean?”
“It means that at certain banquets, gatherings, or celebrations, they may be allowed to be of service to the guests of the royal family.”
“You offer them to others?!” Cailan asked fearfully.
“No!” Jarek said immediately, and kept a close hold on Cailan to prevent the man from pulling away.  “They are given the choice to attend the banquets in that function.  If they do not wish to involve themselves, they are never forced to.”
“But some actually choose to offer themselves?”
“Yes,” the big man confirmed.  “Some wish to enjoy their sexuality, and since there is a rule in place that the concubines are not to be intimate with each other, quite a few do enjoy participating in pleasures with our visitors.”
“Would you…give me that choice?”
“No!” Jarek said even more adamantly than before.  He cupped Cailan’s chin and made their eyes meet.  “You are mine and I will not share you, or even give you the choice to be shared.  If that does not please you, well…I can’t say I’m sorry because I’m not.  I’m afraid you’ll have to accept it.”
Cailan actually had no wish to be shared in that way with anyone.  It was hard enough coming to terms that his body belonged to Jarek.  It helped that the man was patient and very good at showing him physical pleasures, but Cailan didn’t think he could do it with anyone else.
“I do accept it,” he assured.  “Actually, I rather it be that way.  But….”
Jarek still held his chin and looked at him intently.  “But?”
“But, are you going to share a bed with others?”
His chin was released as Jarek leaned his elbows on his knees and looked down.  “I want the answer to be no, my petling, but I cannot promise that.”
That hurt quite a lot more than Cailan was prepared for.  “Why?” he questioned.  “If you say you love me, can I not be enough for you as the queen is for your brother?” 
Before Jarek could respond, Cailan realized what a foolish question that was.  He shook his head roughly and stood from his seat.
“Nevermind.  Do not answer that.  I was thinking as I used to be, not as I am now.  There is no marriage bond for us as the king and queen share.  I forget that you will probably marry as well one day.”
“Oh, petling,” Jarek said sadly.  “We move once again into an area I cannot explain to you as much as we both would like.  Someday…” he stopped abruptly, and then clearly changed what he was going to say.  “But someday does not help you right now,” he said so softly that it was almost more to himself than to Cailan.
“Suppose we just move on to a different question,” Cailan suggested, his tone forcibly neutral and clearly moving into safer territory.  “You’ve answered mine about Charon.  What can you tell me of your family?  When will I have the chance to meet your younger brother and sister?”
Jarek, although knowing it was the easy out, still appreciated the change in topic.  He abhorred hurting Cailan as he was clearly doing.
“I am hoping to arrange a dinner with them sooner rather than later.  Unfortunately, the unexpected arrival of the palace guest has delayed some of what I wished to do with you.”
“This guest sounds important,” Cailan noted.
“He…could be,” Jarek acknowledged.  “That is actually what Alaric and I are trying to determine.”
“It is that difficult?”
“It is…sensitive.”
“I’m not sure I understand…and of course, you can’t tell me,” Cailan said before Jarek had to.  He sighed.  “I’m not sure asking my questions is actually going to make things better.  I appreciate knowing what you can tell me, but I get frustrated and angry with what you cannot.  Yesterday I said I wanted to explore the submissiveness you claim to see in me, but it is a struggle to do that when I wanted to question you as much as I’d like to care for you.”
“I see,” Jarek expressed, and then stood in a way that made him seem taller and broader.  Cailan felt almost startled as he literally sensed the authority abruptly emanating from his owner.  Jarek stepped toward him and cupped Cailan’s neck in his hands, forcing the smaller man’s head to look up by using pressure without pain.  “So it seems the decision must be made to allow you to explore your submissiveness or answer your questions.  I had hoped to give you both at once, but I see that’s not working.”
He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Cailan’s lips, a touch that was almost at odds with the dominance Cailan felt surrounding them.
“I will not harm you, my prince, and I will continue trying to help you understand, but I’m realizing that I’ve left you adrift when you’ve needed an anchor.  So, I am going to take control and be the master I am to you, and we’re going to explore your submissiveness together.”
“What does that mean?” Cailan asked, feeling both nervous and an unforeseen tingling of expectation.
“It means that I will answer your questions, but in my time and as I see fit.  You are welcome to question anything you are fearful or concerned about, but your first job is to simply do as I tell you.”
“Does that mean…in bed?” Cailan questioned, nerves becoming a bit stronger than his other emotions.
“Yes,” Jarek said with certainty.  But, you will trust me in that area.  I have made you promises and I will keep my promises.  That doesn’t mean that I won’t push you a little beyond what you think you’re comfortable with.”  He tipped his head down until his forehead touched Cailan’s.  “I am going to prove to you that you can trust your submissiveness to me, but you will learn what is expected as well.  You are my companion and my gift, petling, but there are aspects to that which you need to be taught, and I am doing you no justice by letting you float in an unfamiliar sea when I know I can be your dry land.”
Cailan swallowed.  “What now?”
“Come and I will show you,” Jarek said with confidence.  He gripped Cailan’s hand in a firm grasp and led the smaller man to their bedroom.  “Stand here,” he directed before heading to the chest that was temporarily holding the new clothes Lady Bara had been making.  He withdrew a thin pair of leggings that would be better termed as tights, and one of the semi-transparent shirts that had been among the first to arrive.  Bringing them to where Cailan stood, he held them draped across one arm as he nodded toward the younger man’s clothes.  “Undress.”
Cailan blushed.  “My lord, I…”
“Will do as you’re told if you do not wish to be reprimanded.”
Cailan pursed his lips, but his fingers moved to the buttons on his tunic.  He pulled it off roughly when it was undone, his back to Jarek, but paused when calloused hands gripped his shoulders.
“Cailan, be still.”  The man put enough pressure on Cailan’s shoulders to insist on immobility.  “Close your eyes and listen to me.”
Although behind him, Jarek seemed to know the moment when the young prince unwillingly obeyed the directive.
“I have told you that you are not merely a concubine.  You are a prince, a warrior, a precious gift…a love.  But in all those things you are mine.  As you’ve been told, you are under my authority.  What does that mean?”
There was a pause, but the smaller man realized he was expected to respond.  “I am answerable to you,” he finally stated. 
“Expand on that,” Jarek ordered.
The small but strong shoulders lifted under Jarek’s hands as Cailan took a deep breath.  “You are my superior.  I am to be obedient to you, and to serve you however you direct me.”
“Yes.  I will not take advantage of my responsibility to you, my petling, but I am going to be firm when necessary because I want you to understand that I am providing a solid foundation and not a shaky bridge.  I will expect obedience and a good attitude, one of which you are showing me right now and one you are not.  Repeat what I expect please.”
Another slow breath from the smaller man, and then, “Obedience and a good attitude.”
“Good,” Jarek praised and affectionately squeezed the shoulders he gripped.  “You said you wanted to explore your submission, my petling.  That is what we are doing, but to explore it you must allow it, experience it, and not fight it.  This does not need to be difficult for you.”
“It feels difficult,” Cailan said softly.
“Yes, I know.  That is why I want you to focus on one thing.  Your duty right now is to do what I tell you with obedience and a respectful attitude.  Nothing else is the boss of you.  Not your pride or your confusion or your mind.  Just me.  I will take care of you.”
Jarek massaged the shoulders in his hands for a minute before stepping back.  “Undress,” he ordered as he had a few minutes previously.
Slowly Cailan turned around to face him, his expression a mixture of troubled yet relieved.  There was a moment of indecision, but there was a shift when Cailan chose to do as Jarek wished.  The only attire on him was his jewelry, which he knew not to remove, and his leggings.  He slipped his thumbs into the waistband of the pants and lowered them, stepping out and away from the clothing.
“Good lad.”  Jarek’s gaze took in his nudity completely before tossing the thin leggings he held over his shoulder and holding open the sheer tunic.
It was a silent command but Cailan obeyed it, turning to slip his arms into the sleeves and then holding still as Jarek laced the ties that held it together.  The big man then stooped down with the pants in his hands and held them for Cailan to step into.  The younger man did so with a slight blush staining his features as Jarek cupped him while pulling up the thin garment.  The touch was enough to slightly harden him and the bulge was clearly outlined once the pants were in place.
Jarek took him solidly into his arms when the outfit was on and seemed purposeful in causing their centers to press together.  “You look delectable like this, petling.”
Cailan turned his face into his owner’s shoulder.  “I feel exposed,” he confessed into the warm body.
“You are not uncovered,” Jarek assured, his arms wrapped snugly around the smaller body.  “But your form and its attributes are visible for me to enjoy.  That’s what I want you to think about as you wear them the rest of the day.”
“Think about being visible to you?”
“No, think about how seeing you is an enjoyment to me, how it brings me pleasure, and that part of my satisfaction in seeing you dressed in such a way is because it is only for my eyes.”  He pulled back slightly to look in Cailan’s face.  “Did it bring you pleasure last night to take care of me as you did?”
“Yes,” Cailan admitted, although confused at the apparent topic change.
“Why did you like doing that?  What response did you hope to get from me?”
Cailan thought about it.  “I just wanted you to feel better than you did when you returned.  I wanted to take away your stress and make you happy.”
“Which you did quite satisfactorily,” Jarek assured.  “And that made us both happy.  What I’m requiring of you to do now—dressing as you are—is another way you can make me happy.  I want you to think of it in that way.  I am not punishing or shaming you.  I am receiving pleasure and happiness from you instead, and if that’s what you want to provide for me, then you should be happy knowing you are succeeding.”
Cailan cocked his head in consideration.  “Why does seeing me like this bring you such pleasure?”
Jarek grinned.  “Have you never taken time to study a lovely painting or admire a carving of stone?  The visual beauty of such things is meant to bring pleasure and introspection.  Can I not feel the same way about a beautiful young man who is mine alone to behold?”
Cailan couldn’t help grinning back.  “It is hard to argue against being admired.”
Jarek kissed him.  “I do admire you, and I will continue to throughout the day.  I have work to do at my desk, and while I fulfill my task, you will work on yours where I can watch you.”
“So you dress me this way just so we both can work on our books?”
“Oh, later on I think we will do more than that,” Jarek said with a promise in the tone.  “Now do as you’re told, petling, and do not worry about anything except what I require of you.”
Cailan, feeling surprisingly better, initiated another kiss with his master before a light swat to his backside ushered him into the parlor.


Throughout the afternoon, Cailan’s initial self-consciousness about the clothes morphed into almost shy vanity.  Even when he didn’t look toward the desk where his possessor worked, he could feel Jarek’s eyes on him.
In the past such attention was unwelcome because it had always been someone staring at his silver hair or low voiced comments about him being so much smaller than the rest of the king’s sons.  One time he’d actually overheard someone use the word ‘delicate’ and Cailan had been so ashamed and angry that he’d seriously considered asking an Artenian sorcerer to perform a body changing spell, but he knew that to do so would only cause more talk.  Such an abrupt physical change a spell would do would only cause more chatter because it would be clear his form was bought.  It would be adding wood to a fire he wished would simply die.
But shame had no part of what he was feeling from Jarek’s attention.  He felt wanted, appreciated, and admired.  At one point when he glanced in his owner’s direction, he saw such a look in the man’s eyes that for a moment he actually believed he could see the love Jarek claimed to have for him.  That left him feeling both unnerved and powerful to be able to affect such a man, and throughout the afternoon a building feeling of desire, yearning, and the potent sense of their two roles intertwining filled the room.
Several times Cailan let himself breathe out slowly, and then take a deep breath in and experience a rush of something he didn’t have a name for, except that it felt good, almost freeing.
He was placing the last handful of books to finish up organizing the history section of the library when there was a knock at the door.  The pleasant sensations he was feeling were immediately replaced with anxiety of anyone else seeing him dressed as he was or sharing in the atmosphere that had been building in the room.
Jarek rose from his desk and motioned for Cailan to come to him.  When the younger man obeyed he was settled onto the cushion by Jarek’s desk chair.  “Stay here, petling.  I want you quiet and still.  No one can see you, and I like that as much as you because you are only for my eyes.” 
Cailan nodded, remaining silent, and then waited as Jarek went to the door and spoke briefly with whoever was on the other side, never letting the individual into the room.  Curiosity caused Cailan to lean out slightly from behind the desk, trying to see if he could get a glance at who Jarek was talking to.
He couldn’t make out anyone though, and when the visitor left and Jarek turned back to the desk, he wasn’t quick enough to sit back as he’d been positioned.  He tried not to look guilty when Jarek reached him, but was fairly sure that he failed miserably.
“Being still does not give you permission to move away from where I’ve put you,” Jarek said firmly.
“I’m sorry, my lord,” Cailan offered embarrassingly.
“Perhaps you are,” the big man stated.  “Stand up.”
Cailan did so quickly, and as soon as he was upright he was gripped above an elbow and turned.  He realized a second too late what was about to happen, and so was unable to hold back a surprised yelp as Jarek applied three stinging smacks to his rump.  He felt ashamed for his disobedience when Jarek turned him back so they were face to face.
“The next time you do not stay where I put you, I will enforce your stillness,” Jarek said decisively.
“Yes, my lord,” Cailan replied as he worked to keep his hands at his sides and not rub at the sting left from Jarek’s hard hand.
“You’re getting better at that.”
Cailan didn’t know what his owner was talking about, but the compliment helped him feel less ashamed.  “Better at what?”
“Addressing me properly,” Jarek praised.  “And other than this minor infraction, you’ve pleased me this afternoon.”
A sense of hopefulness spread in the younger man. “I have?”
“Yes.  You’ve worked hard and you fell into the enjoyment of your role.  I could see it.  You liked me watching you.”
It was a statement, not a question, but Cailan answered it anyway.  “You made me feel…wanted.”
“I do want you, and I’m pleased you sensed it without my touch on your body.”
Cailan’s next statement came out in a whisper.  “It surprised me.”
“What did, petling?”
“The…way it felt…to let go,” he tried to explain.  “As we worked together in the same room, I liked the way it felt, like it was each of us being…us.”
“It felt natural, which in turn felt good,” Jarek asserted knowingly.
“Yes,” Cailan agreed, glad to be given the words for what he felt, but still feeling uncertain.  “Does that make me a strange prince?  To feel good in that?” he asked, the question coming out of his mouth unexpectedly.
Jarek blinked at the abrupt query, but then cupped Cailan’s face.  “No, it doesn’t.”
“But a royal is supposed to be a leader, not a…submissive.”
“A royal is a leader,” Jarek affirmed, “but anyone under a king must be submissive as well.  You know that is true of me.  I am under my brother.”
“But you don’t like that,” Cailan declared.
Sometimes I don’t like it,” Jarek clarified.  “But I do like the way my brother rules, and I often like not being the ultimate authority in the kingdom.  I like having a role that supports my king because that helps him.  Did you not feel the same way about your father, petling?  Is that not why you wish to offer him your hair?  You want to offer your support and your loyalty, not fight to be the one in charge.  Seeing and accepting the submissiveness inside you does not make you a strange prince.  It makes you a good one, and it makes you a man who is learning who he is.  It is not wrong to enjoy the freedom your submission gives you.”
Cailan nodded in growing understanding.  “I always wanted my father to know I supported him.  And,” he licked his lips timidly, “I want to support you.  I want to help.”
“You are,” Jarek assured, but his voice got slightly more serious.  “You are not a pawn, young one.  You play a very vital role to me.”
Cailan didn’t even consider asking Jarek to expound on that role.  He knew it wouldn’t be done…not yet.  “What do you wish of me now?” he asked instead.
“Now I wish to prepare you for this evening.  Our presence has been requested elsewhere.”
“Ours?  Has the king called for us?”
“No, my sister has asked to spend some time with me and to meet you as well.  We will change and dine with her instead of by ourselves.”
Cailan was relieved to hear the word ‘change’ in that decision.  While he had discovered that afternoon that he enjoyed the way Jarek’s eyes had lingered on him in the clothing, he didn’t wish to be an exhibition to anyone else.
However, when they entered Jarek’s bedroom, Cailan wasn’t given the choice on what to wear, or even to dress himself.  Jarek removed the revealing outfit Cailan had been dressed in, and replaced it with handsome black breeches instead of leggings, and an elegant, black tunic with silver threading and buttons adorning it.  New leather shoes that had arrived the day before were placed on his feet.
When Cailan was fully clothed, Jarek ordered the younger man to now dress him.  The clothes had been picked out already, but Cailan felt the warmth of desire and satisfaction fill him as he assisted Jarek into the clothing, making small adjustments to make sure the items fit perfectly.  His master’s ensemble was similar to what Cailan wore, with a pair of nearly identical black pants, and a royal purple tunic revealing his princely status with threading matching that on the shirt Cailan wore.  The strength of his body and authority seemed to emanate in the clothing, and Cailan found that he felt great appeal for the sight in front of him.
“Do you usually dress so elegantly when dining with your sister?” he asked as his vision feasted on his master’s image.
Jarek grunted as he splashed water on his face from a basin and dabbed himself dry.  “With Sana there is no middle ground.  She either invites for a formal meal, or a completely relaxed time of fellowship.”
“And tonight is formal?”
“Without doubt,” Jarek confirmed. 
When they were both fully dressed, Jarek took Cailan’s hand and brought him to the bed, but instead of having them sit side-by-side, he guided Cailan to the floor while he sat on the down and cotton-stuffed mattress.
“I need to explain some things before we go,” Jarek told him.  Cailan looked up expectantly.  “As you have heard, my sister has some hearing loss.  She is not completely deaf, but she will not hear mumbled or whispered words.  If she addresses you, speak clearly and at a level just a bit louder than you normally speak.  However, don’t perceive any dislike on her part if she does not speak to you.  Sana is very shy and insecure over her hearing loss because it affects her speech at times as well.”
“What if I don’t understand something she says?”
“Just ask her respectfully to repeat her words.  She knows communication can be a problem at times, and she’d rather be discreetly asked to repeat something than to pursue a conversation that is misunderstood and becomes confusing.”
Cailan nodded.
“Let us be off then.  Sana’s quarters are in the eastern wing near Alaric’s rooms.  She is close to him and good friends with Kesla, so they preferred to remain nearby in their private rooms.”
Jarek held his hand as they made their way through the palace, something Cailan enjoyed the feel of.    When they reached Princess Sana’s quarters, Jarek rang a bell as he had done when visiting with King Alaric, and then walked in, trusting the subtle gong to have announced their arrival.
A young maid approached them quickly, bowing in reverence to Jarek.  “My lord,” she greeted formally.
“Good evening, Krissalie.  Have we left my sister waiting for us?”
“No, my lord.  She has only just finished dressing.  When the bell sounded, she requested I seat you and promised to join you momentarily.”
“Very good,” Jarek acknowledged. 
They followed the small maid into a room decorated with subtle and feminine elegance.  Cailan was surprised to see the table within the room was different than any other he’d seen.  It was a deep cherry wood and elegantly carved, but at most was two feet high.  Thick, decorative cushions surrounded it while tapered candles and odd paper lanterns lit the room, providing a surprising amount of light in the space.
Cailan looked to Jarek curiously as he sat on the cushion his master directed him to and Jarek sat beside him. 
“My sister’s tastes can be unique,” he explained with amusement over Cailan’s surprise.  “As teenagers she and Sem traveled quite a bit with our parents and took quite an enjoyment of the multiple cultures she experienced.  It left her with an eclectic sense of style.  The lamps you see and this table were purchased from a far eastern nation we make a once annual trading journey to and that Sana was able to visit.  I’m not surprised she chose to use it tonight.”
“It is a gorgeous piece, but so low to the ground.  Why would she want it tonight?” Cailan wondered.
“Because you were coming to dine as well as me, and she knew etiquette would require you to sit on the floor by my side.”
“Why would that matter to her?”
“Because she cares, and it makes things easier if she does desire to converse with you.  She has learned to read lips quite well.  All the servants know to make sure they are facing her directly when speaking because it allows her to read their lips and fill in the gap of words she might not have heard clearly.  With you, at a standard dining table you are at a position where she cannot easily see your face to read your lips.  By using this table, she satisfies etiquette requirements while keeping her ability to converse more easily.”
“How clever,” Cailan commended.
He could say nothing more because they were joined at that time by a stunning young woman—or at least young from what Cailan could deduce.  The Cylandrean’s slower aging process tended to leave him completely uncertain of people’s ages.  But, young or old, his mouth went dry at the entrance of the one whom he assumed to be Princess Sana.  To Cailan’s eyes, she was beyond lovely.  Her body was slim, but curvy, with the elegant purple dress she wore draping over her body flawlessly and moving like the ripples of water with each graceful step she took.  Her hair, the same black with silver shimmer as her older brothers’, fell in long ringlets down her back, and cupped a face with high cheekbones and shining blue eyes like Jarek’s.  She was truly the most beautiful woman Cailan had ever seen.
Next to him, Jarek rose from his seat and approached her with his hands out.  He took gentle hold of her long fingers and drew her close, placing a chaste kiss to her brow. 
“Little sister.  You look stunning, as always.  Thank you for the dinner invitation.”
“You’re always welcome, Jarek, with or without an invitation.  You know that,” she replied.
Her voice was lower than Cailan expected, and held the slightest flaw in some of her pronunciation, but that didn’t take away in the slightest from her enchanting visage and demeanor.
“I do know it,” Jarek replied to her words.  “I’m sorry I’ve seen so little of you in recent weeks.”
“Battle took you away, I know,” the princess said with understanding.  “And there have been events here at home which have garnered your attention.  One of which is why I insisted you join me tonight.  Who knows when I might have met your young lad otherwise?”
“Sana, you understand the circumstances,” he said mildly, and Cailan almost detected a bit of scolding in the tone.
“I do.  Introduce me anyway,” she told him.  There was regality in the way she spoke, but Cailan sensed more than heard the timidity Jarek had spoken of to him.
Jarek shook his head in amused defeat, but turned and tucked his sister’s hand into the crook of his elbow before walking with her to where Cailan waited. 
Rising when Jarek signaled him permission to do so, Cailan bowed deeply to his host.  The gentle tap on his shoulder indicated his greeting was met with approval and to stand straight to meet the lady’s gaze.
“Little sister,” Jarek introduced from her side.  “Meet my gift, honored concubine…and companion,” he added purposefully, “Prince Cailan of Arten.  Cailan, this is my sister, Princess Sana, the sweetest woman in Cylandrea, and among the wisest as well.”
Sana held a hand out as tradition dictated and Cailan kissed the hand she offered him, feeling the chill in her fingers that betrayed her shyness.  He would have normally tried to offer a compliment or praise to ease her reticence, but words were beyond him as he continued to be flustered over her presence. 
When he didn’t release her hand right away, she looked confused and her cheeks flushed, which alerted him to his faux pas and he quickly apologized.  “Sorry!  I’m sorry, my lady!” he expressed earnestly as he released her hand.
Her blush deepened, which only emphasized her distinct features, but her eyes crinkled in amusement.  “Do not apologize, Cailan.  I suspect my brother responded the same way when he first caught sight of you.”
“I did not!” Jarek argued.
She giggled and relaxed just a bit.  “Perhaps not, but I suspect you wanted to,” she insisted with a little sister’s right to tease.  She reached out then and touched Cailan’s hair, but it seemed a respectful contact that Cailan wasn’t tempted to pull away from as he was with others.  “You would have gained his attention immediately, Prince Cailan, and I can see that his heart was not long in following.”
It was shocking to hear that deduction so clearly said from someone who had only just met him.  Cailan looked to Jarek in surprise, but he was further amazed by what he saw in his master’s face.  The big man clearly had not expected his concubine to respond to Princess Sana as he had, and for a moment Cailan saw the distress that caused his possessor.
It was a moment in time that Cailan abruptly understood would be poignant to his future with Jarek, and he had only seconds to make a decision.  Until belonging to the military leader of Cylandrea, Cailan had always found attraction in women instead of men, and that was truly clear to everyone from his reaction to Princess Sana.  He knew he couldn’t turn that off.  But he also knew that he was developing feelings of care and maybe more for the man who owned him, but had not once taken advantage of him.  He couldn’t deny a growing attraction for his handsome owner either.  Jarek almost imperceptibly had a way of drawing Cailan to him, and the young man opted not to deny that.
Making a choice and doing what he felt in his gut was right, he stepped toward Jarek and lifted the bigger man’s arm to put it around him as he nestled into Jarek’s side.  A river of tension seemed to drain out of the muscled body.  Jarek squeezed the arm around him tightly and cupped Cailan’s face with the other hand.  His thumb rubbed lightly against Cailan’s cheek and his eyes expressed his relief.
“A gift he is,” Sana said from behind them, confusing Cailan with the comment, although he didn’t question it.
Jarek kissed the smaller man’s cheek before moving to his sister to thoughtfully help her onto a cushion, and then did the same thing for Cailan before resuming his own seat.  Sana rang a small bell by her plate and immediately servants appeared with trays of food.  Preliminary dishes were placed in the center of the table—baskets of warm bread, fresh cut fruit, and a dish of something Cailan did not recognize, although Jarek smiled when he saw it. 
“You always remember my pudding, Sana,” he commented. 
She smiled back at him.  “I know you rarely order it for yourself.  Are you going to force your young prince to ingest it?”
Jarek chuckled as he reached for the unknown dish and spooned some of the creamy mixture into a small bowl.  “I will make him try it.”  He winked at Cailan.  “Just don’t spit it up on me.”
Cailan now looked warily at the unknown food.  It was an odd texture, too thick to be soup, but clearly not the frozen, flavored cream he was familiar with in Arten.  “What is it?” he asked suspiciously.
“We call it pudding,” Jarek told him.  “It can be made in several flavors, but my favorite seems to be one that no one else in my family likes in the least.  It has a vanilla base, but the dominant flavor is pumpkin fruit.  Do you have those in Arten?”
Cailan shook his head, having never heard of such a thing.
“It’s an orange fruit often used in sweet bits or even bread, but mixed with other flavors in those foods.  However, pumpkin fruit pudding is mostly its own flavor, and my family tends to think it to be too much.”
He held a spoonful of the pudding up and Cailan was sorely tempted to turn away, but knowing that would not speak well of him or Jarek, he obediently took the mouthful.  The texture of the food itself was actually appealing, smooth and cool on his tongue.  He did understand quickly about the strong flavor of the food though.  The small bite seemed to fill his whole mouth.  However, he didn’t dislike the taste.  It was actually quite good the longer he considered it, rich and spicy with only the very subtle essence of vanilla muting it.
Both Jarek and Sana were gauging his reaction.  He wasn’t exactly sure what either one hoped his response would be, but he was honest in his assessment.  “That’s quite good.  It might be sweeter with a bit of cinnamon added, but I like its strong flavor.”
Sana looked surprised while Jarek laughed.  “I am so never giving you up!”
Cailan couldn’t help smiling at Jarek’s amusement.  “Does no one else truly like it?”
“Not a one of us,” Sana said from her seat.  “You and Jarek may eat the whole bowl.  I will be content with my fruit and bread until the main course.”
Jarek and Cailan did just that while the siblings spoke between themselves.  Cailan listened and observed as he took the bites of food offered to him.  He noticed more that Jarek had been honest about Sana shyness.  While she had spoken to him when introduced, her body language revealed restrained discomfort at Cailan’s presence, and she kept her conversation only with Jarek.  They spoke mostly of family issues and Sana informed her older brother of minor goings on in the palace during the weeks he was battling in Arten.  However, during the main course she asked a question Cailan sensed Jarek didn’t care for.
“Where is your other guest this evening, Jarek?” she questioned.
The big man paused and ended up setting down the bite of food he had taken for himself and offered a mouthful to Cailan instead as he answered.  “He and those accompanying him are in the rooms we’ve given them.  I will attend to him again tomorrow.”
“Alaric fears you aren’t spending enough time with him.”
“I know, Sana.  It is a delicate situation.”
“But you’ve already made a decision,” Sana declared.
Jarek flashed a look of surprise at her.   “No, I haven’t.  Did Al say differently?”
“No, brother.  I say it.”
They shared a look that Cailan didn’t understand.  Neither did he understand what the two of them were discussing.  He assumed it was about the palace guest, but he didn’t comprehend the subtext going on.
“Sana,” Jarek spoke after a rather long and agonizing minute.  “If I make the wrong choice, I break a promise and risk lives.”
“Jarek,” she replied just as solemnly.  “I believe that if you follow what your heart is telling you, it won’t be the wrong choice.”  The tenor of her voice changed subtly and she glanced briefly at Cailan.  “But we are being rude and leaving Prince Cailan out of things.  Your highness, do you have a favorite meal you enjoy?  Perhaps I can have it prepared the next time we all dine together.”
Cailan wasn’t fooled by the change in topic, and he had an eerie sense that the previous conversation might indirectly have something to do with him.  Still, he had to remind himself that it wasn’t his place to question such things anymore.  He chose to answer Sana’s question and help them all move past the uncomfortable conversation.


“You found my sister beautiful, didn’t you, petling?” Jarek asked almost as soon as they returned to their rooms that evening.
Cailan looked to Jarek guardedly.  “How do I answer that, my lord?  I fear insult no matter what I say.”
“You answer honestly,” Jarek told him firmly.
Cailan took a breath but did as Jarek directed.  “I have never seen a woman as beautiful as Princess Sana, my lord.”
“I see,” Jarek replied in a tone too neutral to be innocent. 
Cailan didn’t like the tone at all and without thinking through it, he approached and put his arms around Jarek’s middle and his head on the man’s chest.  “She is beautiful, but she is not who I belong to.  She is not the one who has treated me so kindly or is helping and teaching me so much when truly I have not done much for you.”
Warm arms came up and encircled him.  “My petling,” Jarek rumbled as he cupped Cailan’s head, the neutral tone thankfully gone.  “I have never had anyone do for me what you have.”
“What have I done?”
“Too much to name, but tonight…you chose me.  That is a lot.”
They were quiet for a few minutes, both thinking about that before Cailan spoke softly.  “Jarek?” he asked, knowing he was crossing a line by addressing his master so informally, but hoping it would be allowed this time.  He felt a hand under his chin and his face tipped up.  Jarek looked at him seriously before offering an approving nod.
“What is it?”
“I think…that I want to let you,” he said carefully, but he couldn’t help a tremble that ran through his body.
“Let me what, little love?” Jarek asked, although Cailan could see he knew what he meant.
“Let you…have me,” Cailan admitted.  “But I need to work up to it.  I don’t know that I can do it tonight.”
“Oh my sweet one,” Jarek soothed contentedly.  “Thank you.  I will not rush it, but we will head down that path.”
“You don’t mind still waiting?”
Jarek grinned ruefully.  “Truthfully?  I mind a little, but only because desire makes me impatient.  I want to know your beautiful body, and the love that has built in me only heightens that longing, but I want you willing and even eager to experience that with me.  To see those emotions in your face, I will wait.”  He dipped his head to kiss Cailan’s pliant lips, leaving them puffy and moist when he pulled away.  “Besides, there is plenty I can teach you without entering your body.”
The heat of arousal flooded Cailan’s body as remembrance of past activities came to mind.  Tentatively, he slipped his hands under Jarek’s shirt, and when the man showed silent appreciation of the touch, he became a little bolder, scratching his fingers along Jarek’s broad back and then inside the waistband of the black breeches.  “What will you teach me?” he asked, showing his willingness.
The question earned him a hard and drawn out kiss, with Jarek’s hands sliding into Cailan’s waistband as well and kneading the warm flesh.  He lifted the smaller man in that way, and Cailan wrapped arms and legs around the firm body and continued kissing as he was carried to the bed.  Jarek pressed on top of him, rubbing their bodies together through their clothes.
“Do you remember what I told you earlier?” Jarek asked huskily at one point.
Truthfully, Cailan was having trouble remembering what they’d been talking about five minutes earlier.  “No,” he said honestly as he arched his body up and kissed Jarek’s neck.
Jarek moaned before pulling back enough that he could grasp Cailan’s wrists and pin them above the smaller man’s head.  “I told you that it was your job to do as I tell you, in bed as well as in our daily lives.”
That brought some clarity back to Cailan, but it didn’t dampen his arousal like he would have suspected.  “What will you tell me to do?” he asked breathlessly.
“I will show you what I want from you, and then you will do it for me,” Jarek dictated.
At that, he quickly removed both their clothes and then spread his body atop Cailan’s again.  His vivid blue eyes looked heated and beautiful to the one he possessed.  His hands slid from Cailan’s shoulders, down his arms and stopped at the wrists.  Once again Jarek lifted the younger man’s hands over his head; only this time he had them grip the iron headboard.
“Do not let go unless I give you permission,” Jarek commanded.  “There will be a penalty for disobedience.”  Cailan nodded but Jarek wanted more.  “Tell me you understand.”
“I understand.  There will be retribution if I let go.”
“Good lad.”
As soon as Cailan had hold of the ornate iron bars, Jarek’s mouth began working down his torso.  The smaller body squirmed as tongue and lips heated and tickled his skin.  He began moaning as Jarek moved lower, and whimpered in frustration as his groin was deliberately bypassed and the hot mouth slid to his thighs and knees instead.
“My…lord!” he whined, his hands very nearly letting go in the temptation to grab Jarek’s head and move him to his center.  Jarek growled, as if warning Cailan to keep his hands in place, before returning to kissing and nipping at the toned legs spread out before him.  The eroticism of it all built in Cailan’s body, heating it with a strength of desire and need he’d never felt before.
Eventually the sensation of Jarek’s mouth began to move upward again, and this time when he reached Cailan’s groin, the young man’s erection was engulfed in suction and heat.  Cailan’s air left him in a rush and he arched, instinctively seeking more, but strong hands pressed on his thighs, holding him in place as wetness moved up and down the young man’s intimate areas.  It felt like heaven and Cailan repeatedly moaned his approval.
However, just as he came to the edge, Jarek popped off, causing the young prince to whimper desperately.  “No!  Go back!  Please…please!”
“Shh, petling,” Jarek cooed.  “Listen to me now.  Listen to me.”
“I haven’t let go!  Please!” Cailan couldn’t help pleading as his body tried to press closer to his owner’s.
Jarek cupped his face in both hands, the touch warm, firm, and soothing.  “I know, little love.  You’re being good…so good.  I need you to listen now though.”
“Why?!” Cailan whined as the burn of aroused and frustrated tears blurred his eyes.
“Because I am teaching you as much as I am pleasuring you.  Look at me now.  Take a breath.”
Cailan looked through wet eyes and tried to slow his breathing. 
“I told you that you will learn what I wish you to do to me, and I stopped because you need to know that you may not always find what I tell you to do easy, like right now being forced to not come to completion when you want to so badly.  I want you to understand that submission, that giving yourself to me, will sometimes be difficult.  You need to remember that when you face the choice of abiding by my wishes or disobeying, and you also need to always remember that I will take care of you and not harm you.”
He was talking lowly, mesmerizingly, and the words sank into Cailan’s brain even as his body screamed for its pleasure to be released.
“Let me know you understand.  What have I just told you?”  Pitilessly, he ran the tip of one finger slowly up and down Cailan’s erection as he waited for an answer.
“I…you…won’t be easy,” Cailan gasped out, his voice squeaking at times.  “Choice to obey…or not.  You…care for me.”
“Excellent, my prince,” Jarek commended.  “I also reward when you do so well.”
His mouth returned to Cailan’s groin and that lovely heat and suction tipped the young man over the edge in less than a minute.  He keened as his body was finally given its release, and the hot tears that had blurred his vision dripped from the corners of his eyes. 
Cailan felt like he was floating in several pieces afterward, and was barely aware of being gathered into his master’s warm embrace and slowly rocked.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he became aware of a blanket wrapped around him and being in a chair where he could see the night sky through the window instead of lying on the bed.  He was bundled tightly against Jarek’s chest, and he could feel his possessor’s warm fingers lightly massaging the back of his neck.  When he shifted slightly within the blanket, he saw a hand reach toward a goblet and the glass was held to his lips.
“Drink, petling, but just sips.  Take it easy.”
That was hard to do when he realized just how thirsty he was, but he did his best to sip at the water until Jarek placed it out of reach.
“All right now, petling?” Jarek questioned.  His voice sounded both amused and concerned.
“I think so,” Cailan answered hesitantly and barely above a whisper.  “But I feel…strange, like I drank too much wine and it’s made my head fuzzy.”
“That makes sense,” Jarek assessed.  “I think your senses became a little overwhelmed.  You’re going to slowly finish that water and then sleep for the night.  You’ll be fine in the morning.”
Sluggishly, a thought occurred to Cailan.  “I didn’t do for you what you did for me.”
           “I think you’ll remember what I taught you for another day, my prince.  You just think on two things right now.  I love you, and I take care of what I love.”